
Financial Goals:

Past goals:

Future goals

By end of 2027: Achieve Financial independence

While doing so: have fun in life, travel to as many places as possible and enjoy time together with people I care about.

4 thoughts on “Goals

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  2. San says

    Hi Singvestor,

    Nice to read that you and wife have settled into a rhythm in your life in Europe, and your focused determination on your investment goals. I am curious about how you define or qualify your long term goal of financial independence by 2027? I am guessing elements of it would contain: not depending on a work salary ? Do you have an target amount invested by that date? And/or your assumption about your return? Financial independence means different things to different people, and it varies also with individual lifestyles. Curious to understand how you are thinking and planning for end of 2027!

    • singvestor says

      Hi San, sorry this answer is years too late 🙂 My current plan is to have about 1.2 million SGD invested, after which I would not depend on the day job anymore. This should be achievable hopefully by 2027

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