Monthly life update:
It was a terrible month, I need to get back to a more healthy lifestyle. Over one year without gym and spending most of my time at home – not ideal…
Financial update April:
- Portfolio: SGD 746,347 (+SGD 10,651 invested, +SGD 5,185 capital gains)
- Saving rate: 71%
- Hypothetical monthly income at 4% WR: SGD 2,488 / USD 1,878
Portfolio chart

This chart shows when I can retire – namely when the blue and green lines intersect
My expenses are lower than in the pre-Covid years, but the expenses are a bit higher than last year

Dividends received

Dividends received

SGD 1,453 were paid out by my holdings in April.
Asset Allocation

I rebalanced back into bonds to have a more conservative asset allocation. I think at current valuations 25% bonds would be helpful.

I rebalanced back into bonds to have a more conservative asset allocation. I think at current valuations 25% bonds would be helpful.

Stocks are at crazy valuations and I am a bit worried about the boom in meme stocks, crypto, Ark ETFs… Prices are quite nuts at this point. What do you think?