My slow progress to retirement in August 2020

August meant another month in the homeoffice. As cases in Europe are increasing again, I guess that I will not see the inside of my office again in 2020. Some months ago I just packed up two suitcases and left the country I am supposed to be working in, in order to take care of some family issues in another country. Nobody has noticed or cared and I have just worked as per normal from home. How did my expenses and portfolio do in August?

August expense report

I spent SGD 3,854 in August, which was an improvement from July. I got quite sick and had to pay a deductible of SGD 300, I did not see my car, but still had to pay SGD 326 in running costs and tax. Grocery spending was also rather high at SGD 545.

monthly expenses in August

Saving rate
Saving rate in August was 57%.

Portfolio update


In August my portfolio increased from SGD 548,293 to 561,967 (= USD 413,600). This is the first time the portfolio exceeded the USD 400,000 mark. I invested SGD 8,788 and capital gains of SGD 4,886 made up the rest.

Progress to retirement


Investments vs. plan


I invested SGD 8,788 into my portfolio which was more than planned (SGD 6,700).

Portfolio allocation

Bought some more bonds and the STI ETF.


Dividends received


SGD 1,743 – dividends are increasing nicely.

Hypothetical monthly income

SGD 1,873



Quite exhausted from work these days. It is becoming more and more obvious that I have to rethink my life and work goals and do something differently. My expat assignment will last about 19 more months at most, after which I am supposed to be posted back to Singapore.

I am thinking more and more that I need to look at designing a different lifestyle. I need to take some time to think about this topic once I have a few weeks off in November.

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