September was a great month… Went on an amazing trip to Italy that lasted over three weeks. I never had three weeks off before, it was fantastic. How did my portfolio perform in this exciting month?
Saving my way to financial independence: progress in August 2021
August is one of my favorite months in Europe. Office life is relaxed, as everyone is on holiday and the weather is great. How did I progress on my slow journey to financial independence in August?
My slow journey to financial independence: monthly update July 2021
July was another happening month, how did my investments perform?
Monthly update: June 2021
This update is way too late, but I am posting it to keep my streak of monthly updates since 2014 going. How was my progress to financial independence in June?
Monthly progress to financial independence: May 2021
In May I made quite good progress towards financial independence. Read more for the details…
Progress report to financial independence: monthly update April 2021
Monthly life update:
It was a terrible month, I need to get back to a more healthy lifestyle. Over one year without gym and spending most of my time at home – not ideal…
The slow journey to financial independence: monthly update March 2021
After nearly seven years of keeping track of my finances I feel that I am now in the boring middle of the journey. At the same time, I can see the goal on the horizon – just a few years to go! How did I do in March?
One year later: how did my trades made during the market bottom of March 2020 perform?
One year has passed since Covid escalated and markets hit rock bottom in March 2020. How did my trades perform and what did I learn?
First time my portfolio exceeded SGD 700,000 – monthly update February 2021
Monthly update January 2021 – escaping Winter
It was a tricky month. Mid-January I moved to a Spanish island off the coast of Africa, which was legally allowed with a negative Covid test, but judging myself it was still a silly idea. I am working from here for the time being.