Portfolio and life update: Q3 2024

Another quarter is over, how did my portfolio do?

Terrible numbers incoming…

Q3 2023: Overview

  • Salary: SGD 11,640
  • Other income: SGD 2,866 +
  • Dividends received (before tax): SGD 3,711 =
  • Total income: SGD 18,217
  • Expenses: SGD 18,381
  • Savings: SGD 8,214 (came from cash buffer which had built up before)

This kind of spending is not sustainable, luckily I still had a cash buffer saved up from previous months.

Portfolio update

Current portfolio value:  ~SGD 865,000 /  €600,243 / ~USD 631,000

The key chart

Updates and outlook

I still am working fully remote and do not have to set foot in an office, so I cannot complain too much. In some ways I feel semi-retired.

I spent way too much money and only could still invest and “save” because I had a buffer from earlier in the year. The reasons for this spending are complicated…

I had to help a friend in financial trouble with a few hundred Euros. Technically, I lent her the money, but I am aware that I will not get it back and wrote it off as a gift.

Each month I spent over a thousand Euros to travel, as I lived out of Airbnbs and took a lot of trains etc
Generally, the months were very stressful and I focused on day-to-day issues rather than optimizing spending.

Right now, things have calmed down and I am feeling better, plus my financial situation is bound to improve as our startup has reached a milestone and my net income will increase from ~SGD 3,900 to ~SGD 6,100 net per month. This is still a fraction of my old salary, but should give me more room to save. I hope for this increase to be completed soon, as the CEO has been dragging this on, waiting for a formal agreement to be signed before counting the milestone.

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