Are you on the hedonic treadmill? A cautioning tale of lifestyle inflation

Do you remember your student days? I sure do remember mine! Living of a rather small salary from part time jobs I was happy and content sleeping on a mattress on the floor in my small room of the apartment I shared with two friends. All my belongings fit into 2 large boxes and things were generally good. How much did I spend per month? Probably SGD 800 including rent.
A few years later at the age of 29 things had changed…

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August 2014: Monthly update

August was a very happening month for me. Unfortunately the “no-travel August” I was looking forward to in my last monthly update in July did not materialize and I am typing this on a minibus speeding through the Thai countryside. There could be worse business trips though, so I won’t complain. Once again I was proven to be horrible at picking stocks, but came a lot closer to my target allocation.

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July 2014: Monthly update

Some days I feel I should rather write a travel blog: In July I spent 23 days spent on the road, 19 of which in China for business and 4 for a short diving holiday in Bali. While diving with Manta rays in Bali is a priceless experience I also realize that I have been spending way too much for travelling and am looking forward to a no-travel August back home in Singapore.

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June 2014: Monthly update

What a crazy month June was. While I had quite a lot of fun this month, including travels to Cambodia and Bali for Holiday financially speaking it was a very turbulent month. All flights, entertainment and exploring were expensive and on top I had to pay a rather big (by Singaporean standards) tax bill.  As expected this month I could not add much money to my portfolio as I decided to pay the tax in a big lump sum instead of going for the zero interest installment payment plan offered to the government. While I know installments are better financially speaking I opted for the psychologically satisfying option of paying everything at once and getting it over with.

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